Thu 19-September-2024

Ramona Wadi

Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher freelance journalist book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine Chile and Latin America. Her article appeared in MEMO.

The UN dismisses Palestinian activism to protect Israel

Since the normalisation agreements of the UAE and Bahrain with Israel were announced the UN’s only response has been to communicate its approval for a new phase which in international rhetoric paves the way to reignite diplomatic negotiations for “peace”.

The international community is just not concerned

Reports in the Times of Israel indicate that the annexation of land from the occupied West Bank will be suspended until 2024 confirming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s insistence that annexation is still on the agenda.

Rhetoric will eventually normalise Israel’s annexation plans

Prior to the UAE-Israeli normalisation agreement when speculation over annexation of the occupied West Bank was rife Israel’s Agriculture Minister Alon Schuster spoke in favour of “cultivating settlements”.

Israel pushes to remove ‘occupation’ from the discourse

In perfect synchronisation with Israeli lobbying at an international level pro-Israel organisations in the US have influenced Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden to remove references to the “occupation” from the party’s political platform.

Two sides of the colonial legacy which undermines Palestinian rights

Like other countries prioritising international consensus and diplomatic relations with Israel simultaneously Australia is trying to square a colonial circle.

Israel’s list of compromised officials suggests their war crimes

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has adjourned without issuing its ruling on whether Israeli officials will be tried for war crimes against the Palestinian people since 2014 when Gaza was destroyed during “Operation Protective Edge”.

Danon has exposed the fact that the UN has abandoned Palestine

Israel’s outgoing Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon is not leaving the arena without his usual unfounded claim that the international community is subservient to the Palestinian narrative.

EU’s delay in sanctioning Israel reflects compromised ‘peacebuilding’

According to Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz 1 July is not “a sacred date” to implement the proposed annexation of more Palestinian land.

EU diplomacy is profitable for Israel but a disaster for Palestine

Since Israel announced its plan to annex swathes of the occupied West Bank the EU has only hypothesised on what steps the bloc may take in response.

Israel’s one-state reality is facilitated by the int’l community

For several years the call for a one-state solution has been part of the alternatives to the two-state paradigm which forms the backdrop to international diplomacy on Palestine.

Normalizing Israeli violence during the pandemic

In April the Israeli Civil Administration stated that it would halt the demolition and destruction of Palestinian dwellings during the coronavirus pandemic.

The ICC does not pose a ‘strategic threat’ to Israel

Since the International Criminal Court (ICC) determined that Palestine is a state for the purpose of its investigations into war crimes committed by Israel against Palestinian civilians a fresh round of threats against the institution is taking place.

The EU helps Israel export its colonial violence

In 2018 the Israeli defense company Elbit won a €59 million ($63.7 million) contract to provide drone surveillance systems in the Mediterranean for the EU.

‘President Biden’ would not erase Trump’s concessions to Israel

US Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden will not reverse the Trump administration’s unilateral decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem if elected president.

UN reports about Israeli violations lack meaningful political action

While Israel and the Palestinian Authority were cooperating to curb the spread of the coronavirus Covid-19 occupation state and settler violence continued unhindered.

The Struggle Should Frame the Call for Freedom not COVID-19

The annual commemoration of Palestinian Prisoners’ Day can turn easily into a travesty of remembrance.

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