Fri 20-September-2024

Ramona Wadi

Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher freelance journalist book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine Chile and Latin America. Her article appeared in MEMO.

The UN Persists with Obsolete Frameworks for Israel’s Benefit

Years after the two-state paradigm was declared obsolete the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process has informed the Security Council that “The possibility of establishing a viable contiguous Palestinian state has been systematically eroded by facts on the ground.”

Have USAID’s Intentions Ever Been Truly Humanitarian?

The decision to stop funding USAID projects in Palestine is another tactic by the Trump administration to block all humanitarian assistance to Palestinians even when such assistance is inherently compromised to suit US interests.

Humanitarian aid and strategic interests … for the EU

Palestinians are in dire need of humanitarian aid. So dire in fact that the EU has no qualms about conditioning financial aid in terms of acquiescence to the two-state paradigm.

The Gaza protest casualties are not just statistics

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territories (OCHA) released statistics on Monday showing that 254 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the start of the Great March of Return protests in March last year.

An opportunity for unity

Depriving Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails of their basic rights is a “moral duty” according to Israeli Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan.

Humanitarian Aid is Overtly Politicized Not in Favor of Palestinians

The 2019 humanitarian plan for Palestinians in the occupied territories will allocate $350 million for aid intervention according to Ramallah’s Minister of Social Development Ibrahim Al-Shaer and UN envoy Jamie McGoldrick.

Seeking Protection for the Palestinians at UN Empowers the Criminals

The debate on whether Palestinians should be granted international protection continues.

Leaving Palestinian Children behind on World Children’s Day

World Children’s Day is sadly a day like any other; its symbolism is nothing other than an international gimmick to proclaim rights while simultaneously taking them away.

Sustaining Cycles of Israeli Aggression in Gaza

It is time once again for the hyphenated “Israel-Gaza” paradigm – an invention that suits mainstream narratives.

Palestinian ed. must move away from the imposed humanitarian agenda

As the media hype over Khan Al-Ahmar fades away mainstream narratives have yet to find another sensationalist violation to exploit.

Excuses excuses when the stone-thrower is an Israeli settler

In 2015 Israel approved a law that stipulated a 20 year prison sentence for individuals caught throwing stones.

It is not up to the UN to determine Palestinian resistance

The Great Return March protests in the Gaza Strip have provided the foundations for Palestinians from which they can articulate their demands.

Exploiting Gaza Tops the UN’s Humanitarian Agenda

What would prompt the UN to assert without reservations or calculated statements that Gaza has collapsed in terms of humanitarian necessities?

The debate on UNRWA takes focus away from the realities of refugees

In the aftermath of the US decision to end its funding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) the EU has pledged to continue its financial support.

‘Farmer Terrorism’ Is the New Slogan for Jewish Settlers

In less than three months Jewish settlers have destroyed over 2000 trees and grapevines in the occupied West Bank.

Playing with Words and Children’s Lives in Occupied Palestine

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory (UNOCHA) recently published a joint statement calling for the protection of children’s rights.