Fri 20-September-2024

Ramona Wadi

Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher freelance journalist book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine Chile and Latin America. Her article appeared in MEMO.

Palestinians are being impoverished by the manipulation of aid

In March the World Bank issued a press release stating that the deterioration in Gaza’s humanitarian situation is preventing economic growth.

Purported Neutrality at the UN is Harmful to Palestinians

On Monday Israeli lawyer Yuval Shany was appointed to chair the UN Human Rights Committee – a body of experts that monitors the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The US departure from UNHRC is reflection of widespread impunity

There is a major flaw which is overlooked when discussing the US withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

Purported protection does not cover the elimination of colonialism

The latest Human Rights Watch (HRW) report titled “Israel: Apparent War Crimes in Gaza” commences with a sentence that mars the rest of its investigation and analysis.

Bullets first and aid later is a perverse Israeli tactic

Predictably Israel has attempted to play the humanitarian card after inflicting severe injuries upon thousands of Palestinians many of whom will remain scarred for life.

Violence against Palestinians becomes the norm

The latest US annual report on human rights violations released last Friday carried an intentional omission.

Determining relief aid at the expense of Palestinian political rights

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is facing a $300 million financial deficit.

We need to challenge the ICC statement about Israel

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is back on the scene with more evidence that it gives Israel the benefit of the doubt.

Irresponsible Rhetoric Allows Violence against Palestinians

In diplomatic circles language hardly changes from one scenario to the next. It is only the accusations leveled against different political actors that convey part of the context.

Israel’s Bone of Contention is Palestinian Resilience

In February Israel asked the international community to contribute $1 billion towards a plan for the Gaza Strip’s shattered infrastructure.

How institutions are concealing Palestinian rights

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territories (OCHA) has published a report detailing the ramifications of Israel’s military occupation in the West Bank city of Hebron.

Guatemala’s appropriation of the concept of return

As expected the international community has largely gone silent about the announcements by the US and Guatemala to relocate their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Using Aid to Trap Palestinians while Their Rights are Being Depleted

More rhetoric and the absence of any constructive action have created a spectrum of expectations for Gaza.

B’Tselem report exposes Israel’s pollution of the occupied West Bank

Israel remains the only UN member state which has never declared where its borders are.

‘Construction terror’ Israel’s metaphor for Palestinian displacement

Israel’s construction of its politics on contrasting levels which echo its colonial agenda knows no limits.

Impediments reflect the intention to make violations permanent

Last year Israel and the US invested unprecedented efforts in discrediting the legitimate rights of Palestinians and seeking to limit to the point of dysfunction the role of institutions working directly with Palestinian refugees.