Fri 18-October-2024

Ramona Wadi

Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher freelance journalist book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine Chile and Latin America. Her article appeared in MEMO.

B’Tselem report exposes Israel’s pollution of the occupied West Bank

Israel remains the only UN member state which has never declared where its borders are.

‘Construction terror’ Israel’s metaphor for Palestinian displacement

Israel’s construction of its politics on contrasting levels which echo its colonial agenda knows no limits.

Impediments reflect the intention to make violations permanent

Last year Israel and the US invested unprecedented efforts in discrediting the legitimate rights of Palestinians and seeking to limit to the point of dysfunction the role of institutions working directly with Palestinian refugees.

The EU response to ‘death penalty for Palestinians’ painfully weak

Israel is planning a law which allows its military courts to sentence Palestinians to death. The bill to bring this about has passed its first reading in the Knesset Israel’s parliament.

Trump’s decision a reflection of the UN earlier colonial impositions

Since 1967 the UN regularly adopted resolutions concerning the status of Jerusalem most of them dealing with withdrawing military forces condemnation of land confiscation and settlement expansion as well as requesting that Israel refrains from holding military activities in the city.

Netanyahu’s UN speech is replete with oblivion

The near-absence of Palestine contrasted sharply with the promotion of Israel’s international positioning in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the UN General Assembly.

Substituting political necessity for compromise

One wonders how the UN can continue to masquerade in a role that it has ridiculed beyond redemption this week.

The possibilities of challenging Netanyahu’s claims about L. America

Latin America is once again Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s diplomatic target at a time when violence in the region fomented by US imperialism is once again rising to the fore.

The slow extermination of Gaza

Gaza continues to make headlines to no avail. It has become a putrid metaphor of unsustainability and the political actors responsible for the deprivation are content to allow the enclave to fester.

Netanyahu wants undue influence over EU policies

During a meeting with the leaders of Hungary the Czech Republic Slovakia and Poland Benjamin Netanyahu revealed his antagonism towards the European Union in remarks which were “accidentally” transmitted to journalists.

Palestinians fear fragmentation

A recent poll carried out by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research has seen Palestinians reject the current political developments.

Warnings from international organisations are failing Gaza

Amnesty International’s latest warning about a “humanitarian catastrophe” if Israel’s illegal blockade on the enclave is not lifted is the latest in a series about the Gaza Strip.

Collective mobilisation indicates possibilities for Palestinians

The organised collective hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners headed by imprisoned Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti has evolved into a fast spreading mobilisation of the Palestinians.

Extending the Displacement of Palestinian Civilians

Israel’s war on Gaza caused widespread destruction and left thousands homeless.

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