Sun 8-September-2024

Ramona Wadi

Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher freelance journalist book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine Chile and Latin America. Her article appeared in MEMO.

The will of the international community has always matched the will of Israel

On November 29, the UN marked the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as has been its hypocritical tradition since 1978.

A humanitarian pause and the surge in human rights violations

After much useless public debate over Israel’s alleged right to defend itself the international community regained its footing as the humanitarian paradigm once more comes within reach.

The humanitarian paradigm and the normalization of forced transfer

The despicable diplomacy which is allowing Israel to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from Gaza is spoken of mainly in terms of the humanitarian pause the new catchphrase that allows the international community to pretend it is invested in Palestinians’ humanitarian well-being.

Nothing about Israel’s existence and actions point towards legitimacy

Israel’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is advising ministers to pay heed to the terminology they use when commenting on the colonial massacre in Gaza to protect Israel’s so-called international legitimacy.

The G7 give Israel the green light for genocide

Israel’s ongoing bombardment of Gaza and the international response to the unfolding colonial violence demonstrates clearly how Palestinians have always been regarded simply as collateral damage both in humanitarian and political terms.

Humanitarian relief for Palestinians is a diplomatic game at the UN

While Israel has certainly damaged its security narrative with its grotesque display of colonial violence in Gaza the international community prefers to walk its own duplicitous road.

Israelis should look in the mirror

Israel expects absolute control over the UN narrative. The international organization’s Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is facing calls to resign and accusations of supporting terror from Israeli diplomats and politicians.

Humanitarian aid and the politics of annihilation

The United Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) briefing on the ramifications of Israel’s atrocious bombing of Gaza reveals one prominent detail.

The UN has long legitimized Israel’s dehumanization of Palestinians

Collective punishment is a war crime under international humanitarian law as per Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Advisory opinions and wasting time for Palestinians

In December last year the UN General Assembly passed a resolution that requested the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to give an advisory opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s military occupation only for the court to respond with statements that the UN itself has been regurgitating for decades yet never put into practice.

The UN’s acquiescence to erasing Palestine

Erasing Palestine is what the Zionist colonial project is about. At the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu illustrated the aim by showing a map of Greater Israel – completely eliminating the existence of Gaza and the occupied West Bank – the only remaining fragments of Palestinian land.

Israel seeks complete impunity at the UN

The Israeli Government Press Office reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu advised UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to “change the attitude of the organizations institution towards the State of Israel.”

Palestinians are subjected to humanitarian blackmail

In his recent briefing to the UN Security Council the international organizations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland noted that the current situation in the occupied West Bank is further impacted by the funding deficits and fiscal problems faced by the Palestinian Authority.

Levin speaks against Israel racism to protect its settler-colonialism

When former Israel Defense Forces General Amiram Levin said “I am not pitying the Palestinians I am pitying us” he provided some context to his statement about “absolute apartheid” in Israel.

Israel diplomat argues for symbolic recognition of Palestine

Australian diplomacy with regard to Palestine has recently veered towards clarifying Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian Territories as well as clearly declaring settlement expansion to be a violation of international law.

Israel is apartheid state so why did an EU diplomat refuse to say so?

Outgoing EU Envoy to the occupied West Bank and Gaza Sven Kuhn Von Burgsdorff attracted the wrong sort of attention when he paraglided off Gazas coast last month purportedly promoting a promise of freedom even as the EU persists in the moribund two-state narrative. Israel described the stunt as provocative while for Palestinians the distinction between diplomats freedom and the annihilation of their own freedom of movement was made all too apparent.