Mon 16-September-2024

Ramona Wadi

Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher freelance journalist book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine Chile and Latin America. Her article appeared in MEMO.

Just one example of a diplomat unworthy of the role

The EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process Sven Koopmans is just one blatant example of why Israel fears nothing — and has nothing to fear — from international diplomats.

An exercise in omitting Israels colonial foundations

Israeli President Isaac Herzogs address to the US Congress on Wednesday was a mix of melodrama and colonial nostalgia.

Jenins marginalization in international rhetoric

Reiterating the obvious is one prerequisite for being a diplomat.

Israel officials promote impunity for settler-colonial violence

If Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir can find excuses for the hilltop youth’s colonial violence how much more is the concept of settler-colonial presence as a form of violence normalized?

Twisted narratives promote the targeted assassinations of Palestinians

A recent poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research detailed how Palestinians are largely in favor of armed resistance against Israel’s settler-colonialism.

Humanitarian aid for Palestinians favors Israel’s colonial enterprise

The Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine at the UN Riyad Mansour pointed out the unsustainability of donor funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) at the Pledging Conference in New York last Saturday.

The IDF’s legacy 75 years on

While Israel prefers to obliterate the 1948 Nakba from its historical memory despite being the perpetrator of Palestine’s ethnic cleansing and colonization the same cannot be said for the origins of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Humanitarian paradigm act of political violence against Palestinians

The Commissioner General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini recently made another appeal for funding this time to the Arab League.

The EU really values Israel’s colonial enterprise

The EU Delegation in Israel only has a problem with Itamar Ben-Gvir Israel’s Minister of National Security and not with the existence and continuation of Israel as a colonial enterprise.

Khader Adnan’s legacy will alter Palestinian politics among the people

Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli jails have suffered unprecedented levels of exploitation.

Covering up Israel’s settler-colonial foundations

With no reference to the political turbulence that Israel is currently experiencing within its settler-colonial society let alone the horrors perpetrated by Zionist terror groups during the 1948 Nakba to establish the colonial enterprise on Palestinian land US President Joe Biden has extended greetings to Israelis on the 75th anniversary of their ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Memory and oblivion in Israel

To commemorate the 75th anniversary since the establishment of Israel’s colonial enterprise the National Library of Israel has embarked upon a new project themed “Operation Diary: the Founding Generation for Israel’s 75th”.

The international humanitarian paradigm keeps failing Palestinians

The UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has been operating since 1 May 1950 under repeatedly renewed mandates in the absence of a political solution.

Israel’s new cycles of forcibly displacing Palestinians

US President Joe Biden placed much emphasis on rhetorically opposing Israel’s settlement expansion.

The US feigns being ‘disturbed’ by Israeli settler violence

Last week US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin acknowledged the current Israeli settler violence against the Palestinian people following a meeting with his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant.

Israel isn’t anti-pogrom it just doesn’t want collateral damage

“What happened in Huwara was a pogrom carried out by law-breakers” said Major General Yehuda Fuchs who is in charge of the Israeli troops in the occupied West Bank.