Thu 19-September-2024

Ramona Wadi

Ramona Wadi is an independent researcher freelance journalist book reviewer and blogger. Her writing covers a range of themes in relation to Palestine Chile and Latin America. Her article appeared in MEMO.

‘Neutrality’ and humanitarian aid for Palestinian refugees

US President Joe Biden has transferred $135.8 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) following the signing of the 2021-2022 Framework for Cooperation and with additional conditions for the agency’s commitment to “neutrality”.

The EU backs the unfeasible in favor of Israel’s colonial expansion

Israel’s Foreign Minister Yair Lapid stressed the importance of a “new start” in relations with the EU during a meeting of the European Foreign Affairs Council yesterday.

Israel’s demands for Gaza’s reconstruction must be opposed

The international community speaks of mechanisms while Israel is preoccupied with exploiting the need for Gaza to be reconstructed to free the Israelis held by Hamas in the enclave.

EU officials find common ground with Naftali Bennett

In July last year the EU’s High Representative Josep Borrell penned a brief blog warning against Israel’s annexation of the occupied West Bank.

Israel’s arrogance demands more than political subservience

A single perceived omission according to Israel’s colonial agenda was enough to turn down requests for the EU’s Middle East Peace Envoy Sven Koopmans to visit Israel.

Israeli settler-colonialism protects US interests

The US will not get involved in the current government turbulence in Israel but remains committed to the security of the settler-colonial state White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has declared.

Israel is more important than the lives of those forced to live in it

Two weeks ago while the international community was busying itself with statements condemning Hamas rockets in an attempt to steer the narrative away from Israel’s colonial expansionism Palestinians were also protesting the forthcoming construction of 350 settlement dwellings in Beit El.

Israel’s violence gives Palestinians the right to defend themselves

The Biden administration has been presented with an opportunity to sound its rocket rhetoric after Hamas retaliated against the Israeli colonial violence unleashed upon Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

The ‘strategic importance’ of the Abraham Accords

US President Joe Biden has given yet another shard of proof that his policies will follow the legacy of his predecessor Donald Trump.

There’s a new twist in Israeli state-settler complicity

In another example of collaboration between the government of Israel and its illegal settlers the Israeli Settlements’ Council has started to issue eviction orders to Palestinians setting up vegetable stalls in the occupied Jordan Valley.

US funding for UNRWA buys silence

A brief but revealing press statement marked the meeting of US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield with the Commissioner-General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini.

Israel’s impunity is endorsed by the international community

Unsurprisingly attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians have increased during the first three months of 2021.

US calls for ‘equal treatment’ for Palestinians and Israelis

US President Joe Biden may be returning the country to the two-state paradigm but the inequalities between Israelis and Palestinians are becoming more prominent with each statement uttered by officials.

The US’ designation is glossing over colonialism in Palestine

In another move that shows US President Joe Biden is navigating between the Trump administration’s era and the return to the two-state politics the US State Department’s 2020 Country Reports on Human Rights presented two facets of the current administration’s policy.

Quartet rhetoric normalizes Israel’s unilateral decisions

The Trump era is over or so the Middle East Quartet would have us believe. Now that the Zionist colonization project is back to contending diplomatically with the two-state compromise.

Biden’s Brand of Democracy Isolates the Palestinians

Israel is reportedly concerned that US President Joe Biden will prioritize human rights over traditional allegiances in the Middle East.

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