Wed 8-May-2024


Palestinian refugees from Syria in Lebanon

Over 53000 Palestinian refugees from Syria have sought safety and shelter from the ongoing conflict in that country by fleeing to Lebanon. However even Lebanon is becoming an increasingly desperate option.

Restricted professions for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are barred from at least 20 high-level professions.

Refugees constituted half of Gaza casualties

More than half the Palestinians killed in the Israeli aggression on Gaza in summer 2014 were refugees.

Many Palestinian mothers forced to give birth at IOF roadblocks

Many Palestinian mothers were forced to give birth at Israeli occupation forces (IOF) roadblocks.

Conditions of Palestinian detainees in Israeli jails

Palestinians held in administrative detention in Israeli jails

Israeli settlers have destroyed around 75000 olive trees since 2011

Since 2011 Israeli settlers have destroyed around 75000 Palestinian olive trees incurring the Palestinian farmers losses that reached $91 m.

Israeli occupation violations against journalists and media staff

Israeli occupation violations against journalists and media staff in occupied Palestine since April 2015

The injured Palestinians in Gaza strip

The injured Palestinians in Gaza strip victims of Israeli violations and attacks

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