Sun 8-September-2024

Zionist Terrorism

When the Other Isn’t Perceived as Human Everything is Possible

The ambulance was detained for about six hours and in it was a resident of Gaza who had been discharged from a hospital in Nablus after over going heart surgery.

Israeli Soldiers Gave Her Water and Shot Her Head

An Israeli soldier approached a 74-year-old Palestinian woman Ghalya Abu-Rida to give her a sip of water. He gave her the water and took a photo with her. He then shot her in the head.

Yousef al-Rammouni and Israel’s Moral Suicide

Typically in matters of Palestinian criminal deaths Israeli police released misinformation blaming the victim in this case stating falsely that Yousef committed suicide.

The Mockingjay of Palestine: ‘If We Burn You Burn with Us’

It is as if the author of the Hunger Games Suzanne Collins knows so much about Gaza; as if she had fashioned her stories to tell of a real fight between a brutal Capitol called Israel and rebellious districts called Palestine

Destroyed factories in Gaza an attempt to rise again

With high spirit Jamal Abu al-Omarin is racing against time to recover his pickle factory which was destroyed by the Israel during its last war on Gaza in summer 2014.

Struggle of Abu Khdeir Family: Pulling Down a Boy’s Photo

“They burned him and he was still alive” I heard this sentence from everyone of the members of the Abu Khdeir family when I came to their home two days after the funeral of their child.

The war on Gaza: Winners and Losers

In 51 days Israel wreaked havoc on Gaza and brought death and destruction to all walks of life. Civilian lodgings schools hospitals UN facilities infrastructures factories mosques churches … nothing was immune from Israeli fire.

Kufr Qasim a massacre that will never be forgotten

"We will never forgive we will never forget" that was what 48-Palestinians who commemorated the 58th anniversary of Kufr Qasim massacre expressed.

Even the Nazis didn’t brag about their crimes

The Nazis didn't brag about the concentration camps but Zionist Jews are quite boastful about bombing crowded apartment buildings in Gaza

Israeli War Crimes in Gaza

Israel reveals its true colors every time it attacks Gaza as being the ethnic cleansing of Palestine even to the degree as the references above indicate to the act of genocide.