Fri 17-May-2024


Judaization of Jerusalem

Ideologists of the Zionist movement since the mid 20th century have been updating Jews across the globe on the Israeli dream of occupying Jerusalem “Israel’s projected capital”.

Escalation of Israeli settlement and displacement plans in OJ

Professor of Urban Planning Youssef Jabareen confirmed that Israeli Occupation Authorities are still planning to keep Palestinian territories under control through displacement policies.

Siraj al-Aqsa campaign in Tunisia

Tunisian associations have organized a campaign in support of Al-Aqsa Mosque along the month of March under the title "Siraj Al-Aqsa campaign".

AOHR: What is happening in J’lem is ethnic cleansing

The Arab organization for human rights called on the world's decision-makers to take action against the Israeli dangers and violations threatening the occupied city of Jerusalem and its holy sites.

Muslim world asked to rise for saving Al Aqsa from Zionist destruction

Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistani has expressed strong concerns against the Zionist conspiracy to demolish the historical Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Timeline of Jewish terrorists designs against the Aqsa Mosque

When Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967 the Israeli army Chief Rabbi General Shlomo Goren tried to convince commander Uzi Narkis to blow up the Mosque “once and for all.”

Jerusalem Walls Facing Collapse or Judaization

The Israeli warnings claiming that the walls of eastern Jerusalem may collapse at any moment are not above suspicion. Such claims point to a plot being contemplated by Israelis

IOF install spy cameras in the Aqsa Mosque

In a new flagrant violation of the Aqsa Mosque’s sanctity after their sacrilegious act against the holy Quran in the Megiddo and Nafha prisons ..

Anniversary of Aqsa Mosque Arson Highlighted

Exactly thirty five years passed Saturday August 21 after setting Al-Aqsa Mosque on fire by an extremist Israeli ..

The Story of Abu Madein Al-Ghouth’s Legacy (Waqf)to the Moors in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is one of the greatest and most honourable cities in the world particularly because it is the home of most of the Prophets (peace be upon them all).