Fri 20-September-2024


Hamad: Abbas and Haneyya assured of EU dealing with unity government

Dr. Ghazi Hamad the spokesman of the PA caretaker government has asserted that the PA chief and the PA premier-designate had received European assurances of dealing with the PA unity government.

International welcome to PA unity government Israel worried

Russia among many other countries welcomed the formation of the first PA unity government and attached hopes that this government would be able to bridle security mess in the Palestinian arena.

PLC convenes in confidence vote for PA unity government Saturday

Spokesman of the PA caretaker government Dr. Ghazi Hamad has affirmed that the PA legislature will convene Saturday to vote on the first PA unity government.

Hamdan: our policies will not be tailored to suite the Israeli occupation

The Hamas representative in Lebanon Osama Hamdan said that the Israeli response to the PA unity government was not surprising and only reflects the true Zionist stance towards the Palestinians.

The Islamic movement welcomes unity government calls on it to protect Jerusalem

The Islamic movement in 1948 occupied Palestine welcomed the formation of the PA unity government under the premiership of Ismail Haneyya.

UNESCO urges Israel to halt excavations at Magharba Gate

A UNESCO technical mission on Wednesday urged Israel to immediately stop an archaeological dig at the Magharba Gate which forms part of the Haram al-Sharif (holy shrine of the Aqsa).

EU considers lifting embargo

The European Union is considering the lifting of the economic blockade imposed on the Palestinian people over a year ago for electing Hamas.

France expresses support for the new Palestinian unity government

The French government sent on Thursday evening a letter to the PA Foreign Minister-designate Dr. Ziad Abu Amr expressing French support for the new unity government

Legal report: IOF troops killed two Palestinians wounded 26 in one week

The IOF troops killed two Palestinian citizens and wounded 26 others in a series of aggressions they committed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip within the second week of March this year.

IOF troops kidnap 24 Palestinians across west Bank resistance retaliates

Large numbers of IOF troops stormed a number of Palestinian homes across the West Bank at dawn Thursday and arrested 24 Palestinian citizens local sources reported.