Fri 20-September-2024


Redwan: Shalit’s freedom in Israel’s hand

Spokesman of Hamas Movement in Gaza Strip Ismail Redwan has affirmed that the Israeli occupation government’s stubbornness in dealing with the issue of its captured soldier has derailed his release.

IOF troops kidnap Palestinian child

IOF soldiers on Tuesday kidnapped a 14-year-old Palestinian child in the Old City of Al-Khalil while on his way to school witnesses reported.

Palestinian journalists demand immediate release of BBC reporter

The Palestinian journalist bloc has demanded the immediate and unconditional release of the BBC reporter Alan Johnston who was kidnapped Monday night in Gaza city at the hands of unknown gunmen.

Israeli gunboats kill and wound tens of Palestinian fishermen since Gaza pullout

Head of the syndicate of Palestinian fishermen in Gaza Nezar Ayyash has revealed that 6 Palestinian fishermen were killed with Israeli gunboats’ fire since the IOF troops pulled out of Gaza.

Hamas-Fatah meeting adjourned due to persistent Fatah vandalism in Gaza

Armed men apparently unpleased with the prevailing Palestinian harmony fired a mortar shell at the home of one of Hamas cadres in Beit Hanun city Tuesday morning.

Palestinian youths in Europe stick to RoR hail Makkah accord

Around 120 Palestinian youths have flocked into the Austrian capital Vienna from different parts of the European continent to attend the first Palestinian youth gathering in the city.

IOF troops kidnap PA official in Qalqilia

Special units of the IOF troops rounded up Monday under-secretary of the PA Awkaf (endowment) ministry Anwar Maraeba east of the West Bank city of Qalqilia Palestinian security sources affirmed.

BBC reporter kidnapped in Gaza

Unknown armed men on Monday evening kidnapped a BBC reporter after intercepting his car in Remal suburb west of Gaza city in an apparent bid to re-kindle the security mess in PA-run lands.

Calogen: Israeli occupation cause of all problems

The Russian ambassador to Jordan Alexander Calogen has blamed Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands for all the troubles and conflicts in the region.

Israeli envoy to El Salvador found naked drunk

The Israeli foreign ministry recalled Israel's ambassador to El Salvador Tzuriel Refael after he was found on the street naked drunk bound and gagged the Hebrew press reported on Monday.