Thu 19-September-2024


Mishaal: Hamas will never recognize Israel

Khaled Mishaal the supreme Hamas political leader on Wednesday affirmed in a press conference in Tehran that his Movement would never recognize the "Zionist entity".

Abu Marzook: Iran to extend all forms of assistance to Palestinian people

Senior Hamas political leader and Deputy-head of its political bureau Dr. Mousa Abu Marzook on Wednesday described his Movement’s talks with the Iranian officials as “fruitful and positive”.

Rezka warns against world’s reluctance to lift economic siege on Palestinians

Information minister in the PA caretaker government warned that the world’s reluctance to lift the unjust economy siege imposed on the Palestinian people a year ago would harm stability in the region.

Kabaha: State of extreme disgruntlement engulfs Palestinian prisoners

The PA prisoners’ affairs ministry in the PA caretaker government has denounced what it described as “Israel’s piracy” against the Palestinian people and the arrest of tens of them on daily basis.

Israeli police arrest Sheikh Salah

Israeli policemen on Wednesday raided the sit-in tent pitched in Wadi Al-Joz in occupied Jerusalem and arrested Sheikh Raed Salah the leader of the Islamic Movement in the 1948 areas.

Bahar: Talks on unity government move firmly in the right direction

The acting PLC speaker has affirmed that the meetings between the PA chief and the PA premier-designate in Gaza have resolved a number of crucial issues on the formation of the PA unity government.

IOF troops advance into Beit Hanun

IOF troops at dawn Wednesday advanced into the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanun amidst intensified firing and heavy air cover PA security sources reported.

Palestinian MPs: Results of BBC poll on Israel natural

Palestinian legislators on Tuesday described as natural the outcome of an opinion poll conducted by the BBC in which Israel topped the list of states with negative impact on world’s peace.

IOF troops kidnap 70 PA intelligence elements including alleged AMB operatives

IOF troops Wednesday kidnapped more than 70 members of the PA military intelligence apparatus in Ramallah after encircling its building.

MP Khuraisha: World community should deal with all Palestinians

MP Dr. Hassan Khuraisha the second deputy PLC speaker has asserted that the world community should deal with representatives of the Palestinian people regardless of their affiliations.