Thu 19-September-2024


Barhoum: Hamas to name other candidates for interior portfolio to avoid deadlock

Spokesman of Hamas Movement in Gaza Strip has categorically denied allegations suggesting the postponement of talks on unity government till after PA chief Mahmoud Abbas meets with Olmert next week.

PLC affirms: compensation after demolishing apartheid wall and not for it

The Palestinian legislature warned that filing for compensation by Palestinians affected by construction of the wall was an Israeli attempt to turnaround an ICJ ruling deeming the wall illegal.

Armed Iraqi militiamen assassinate Palestinian writer in Baghdad

A Palestinian refugee living in Iraq was murdered at the hands of armed Iraqi gangs that stormed his home in the Iraqi capital Baghdad Sunday and peppered him with bullets that instantly killed him.

Palestinian captives contracting cancer on the rise

MP Issa Qaraqe who is the rapporteur of the PLC prisoners' committee said that the number of cancer patients among Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation jails is on the rise.

MP Mousa wants international committee to probe Israel’s war crimes

PLC member Yahya Mousa has urged Arab states to hold the Israeli occupation government accountable over the war crimes it had committed and concealed over the past decades.

Four Israelis wounded in Palestinian resistance missile attack

Four Israeli settlers in the coastal city of Askalan occupied in 1948 were wounded on Tuesday when two Palestinian locally made missiles slammed into south of the city Hebrew radio reported.

Legal report: Israeli closure of Rafah terminal inflicts misery on Palestinians

The Palestinian center for human rights has affirmed that thousands of Palestinian citizens had suffered miserable conditions due to persistent IOF closure of the Rafah terminal south of Gaza Strip.

Mishaal in Iran for talks on Makkah agreement

Khaled Mishaal the supreme leader of the Hamas Movement arrived in Tehran at dawn Tuesday for discussions with Iranian leaders on the Makkah agreement and Palestinian unity government formation.

Aqsa foundation: IOA speeds up steps to destroy the Aqsa Mosque

The Aqsa foundation has urged all Islamic institutions in the occupied city of Jerusalem to take the necessary precautions to block fanatic Jewish groups from desecrating the Aqsa Mosque.

Odwan: Arab regimes not entitled to compromise RoR of Palestinian refugees

Refugees’ affairs minister in the PA caretaker government Dr. Atef Odwan has affirmed that Arab regimes aren’t entitled to give up the right of return of millions of Palestinian refugees.