Fri 20-September-2024


PSL asks Abbas not to meet Olmert Rice

The Palestine Scholars League (PSL) on Sunday asked PA chief Mahmoud Abbas not to meet Israeli premier Ehud Olmert and American secretary of state Condoleezza Rice as scheduled on Monday.

Hamad: USA has to change its policy

Ghazi Hamad the PA government spokesman has affirmed that the new national unity government would never pose as obstacle before PA chief Mahmoud Abbas' political moves.

Israeli gunboats fire at and destroy Palestinian fishing boats

Israeli gunboats at dawn Sunday fired at Palestinian fishing boats off the Gaza Strip shores destroying a number of them according to security sources.

Palestinian refugee killed in Iraq five others kidnapped

The PA ministry of refugees affairs has said that the body of a Palestinian refugee was found in a morgue in Baghdad after nine days of his abduction while five others were kidnapped.

Hanna: Israel plots to wipe out Christian-Islamic landmarks in Jerusalem

The Orthodox Archimandrite Attalla Hanna has warned that Christian as well as Islamic holy shrines in occupied Jerusalem were in danger.

Hamdan warns of American-Zionist pressures to foil the Makkah agreement

Osama Hamdan the Hamas representative in Lebanon has warned that the USA and Israel were trying to foil the Makkah agreement on formation of a Palestinian national unity government.

Turkey calls on Israel to release the kidnapped MPs

Turkish premier Recep Erdogan has urged Israel to immediately release all kidnapped Palestinian ministers and MPs because such a step would help find "peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis".

Mousa asks the world to lift the siege imposed on the Palestinian people

The Arab League Secretary General Amre Mousa has asked the Arab governments and the world at large to lift the siege imposed on the Palestinians after formation of their national unity government.

Khatib: IOA using chemicals to break rocks underneath the Aqsa

Sheikh Kamal Al-Khatib deputy leader of the Islamic Movement in the 1948 lands on Saturday revealed that the IOA was using chemicals to break rocks underneath the Aqsa Mosque.

IOF troops storm close down orphanage

IOF troops on Saturday wreaked havoc in the Islamic charitable society's premises in Dura village south of Al-Khalil which caters for orphans.