Sat 21-September-2024


Mishaal confers with Mousa on lifting siege on Palestinians

Khaled Mishaal the Hamas Movement's top leader on Tuesday conferred with Amre Mousa the AL secretary general in Damascus on the importance of lifting the siege imposed on the Palestinian people.

Rezka praises Russia France positions on Makkah deal slams hesitant stands

PA information minister Dr. Yousef Rezka has commended French president Jacque Chirac for calling on the international community to support the Makkah agreement.

Salah: Mayor’s decision to halt destruction of Aqsa Mosque is big lie

The head of the Islamic Movement in the 1948-occupied Palestinian lands Sheikh Raed Salah has denounced the Israeli decision of putting him on trial charging it was political.

Madhoun: PA premier to meet Mubarak soon

Director of the PA premier’s office Mohammed Al-Madhoun has affirmed that premier Ismail Haneyya will meet with Egyptian president Husni Mubarak soon to discuss a number of Palestinian issues.

Israeli historian: “blood libel” not completely unfounded

A prominent Israeli Jewish historian has revealed that the medieval canard about Jews killing Christian children and using their blood in making pasta for the Jewish Passover is not unfounded.

PA government extends urgent aid to trapped refugees on Iraqi-Syrian border

The PA government extended urgent assistance to the Palestinian refugees who fled persecution in Iraq and who were trapped on the Iraqi-Syrian borders.

Masri: Unity government will end siege

MP Mushir Al-Masri the secretary of the change and reform bloc on Monday affirmed that formation of the national unity government would end the siege imposed on the Palestinian people.

Murkus: Israeli excavations violate international laws

Joda Murkus the PA minister of tourism on Monday said that the Israeli government's excavations at the Aqsa Mosque's Margharba gate were in blatant violation of international laws.

Sheikh Salah to stand trial for defending the Aqsa

Israeli police informed Sheikh Raed Salah the leader of the Islamic Movement in the 1948 areas that he should attend a court hearing on Wednesday to face charges of "incitement".

Haneyya to address Palestinian people on Makkah agreement Monday

PA premier Ismael Haneyya is scheduled on Monday to address the Palestinian people where he will explain the newly signed Makkah agreement between Hamas and Fatah factions.