Sat 21-September-2024


MP Mousa: Hamas won’t fail the Palestinian people at all costs

The prominent political figure of Hamas MP Dr. Yahya Mousa has affirmed that the current political dispute in the Palestinian arena was a dispute between two contradicting cultures namely the culture of adherence to Palestinian national constants ..

Haneyya: The Aqsa Mosque faces serious judaization process sanctioned by the IOA

PA premier Ismael Haneyya has deprecated the Israeli occupation government's expansion in and around the occupied city of Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque including permitting fanatic Jewish groups to build a synagogue ..

Israeli settlers live in fear of being attacked from beneath

While the Israeli occupation make the Palestinian people live in the constant fear of being attacked from the air Israeli settlers in Nerem settlements near the Gaza Strip live in the fear of being attacked from beneath according to the Hebrew daily Maariv newspaper.

Palestinian fighter succumbs to wounds he sustained in September

Palestinian resistance fighter Zeyyad Abu Saada 22 of Khan Younis city south of Gaza Strip has died of wounds he sustained in clashes with IOF troops last September in the city's Khuza'a town.

Head of Israel’s defense mission in Paris missing

An extreme state of anxiety was reportedly engulfing the Israeli occupation government over the reported disappearance of David Dahan the head of Israel's war ministry mission in the French capital Paris Monday on fears that he could be kidnapped ..

IOF troops kidnap Hamas leader in West Bank

The IOF troops have kidnapped Monday Hamas' political leader and prominent figure in Jenin city Sheikh Ibrahim Taher Nawahdheh 42 who was on way home before being arrested at the Attara ckechpoint north of Ramallah city.

PSL: Israeli excavations under the Aqsa meant to demolish it

Palestine Scholars League (PSL) a league of religious scholars in Palestine has denounced the Israeli occupation government's practices against the Aqsa Mosque and the persistent Israeli excavation works under it charging that the excavations meant to shake the Mosque's foundations ..

Peres: Israel in serious stage of “self-destruction”

Israel's first-deputy premier and veteran politician Shimon Peres has warned Monday that the Hebrew state was passing through a serious stage of "self-destruction" that reached and hit all echelons in the Hebrew state.

PA officials: PA unity government is on top of priorities in national dialogue

Acting PLC speaker Dr. Ahmed Bahar of Hamas and Ibrahim Abu Al-Naja head of the supreme follow up committee of Palestinian Islamic and nationalist forces have affirmed Monday that the formation of a national unity government will be on top of priorities put on the agenda ..

PA government condemns attack on TV satellite channel in Gaza

The PA government has categorically condemned Monday the armed attack against the office of the Dubai-based Al-Arabeyya satellite TV channel in Gaza city describing it as "criminal act against values and ethics of the Palestinian people".