Fri 20-September-2024


PA interior ministry to double number of executive force

The PA interior ministry has decided to double the number of the executive force from an estimated 5000 to 12000 after PA chief Mahmoud Abbas' announcement on Saturday that the force was "illegitimate" unless it joined the PA security apparatuses.

Abbas appoints Dahlan general commander of PA security apparatuses

PA chief Mahmoud Abbas has appointed Fatah MP Mohammed Dahlan the former chief of the notorious preventive security apparatus as general commander of the PA security apparatuses at the request of the USA and Israel according to local media.

Redwan: Returning to assassination policy would ignite the entire region

Ismail Redwan the Hamas Movement spokesman in Gaza on Saturday warned Israel that returning to the policy of assassination would send the Palestinian arena into total disarray and would ignite the entire region.

PLC demands neutralizing security apparatuses ending armed demonstrations

The PLC presidency asked in a statement Saturday for neutralizing the PA security apparatuses in the armed disputes among rival Palestinian factions and for ending armed demonstrations in the Palestinian street.

IOF tanks advance into northern Gaza

IOF troops advanced into northern areas of the Gaza Strip at a late hour Friday amidst intensified firing at Palestinian residential quarters PA security sources reported.

Hamas: Washington’s money to Abbas’ guards targets igniting civil war

The Hamas Movement has strongly denounced the American administration's financial assistance to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas' loyalist forces as a fresh attempt to igniting Palestinian civil war.

Hamas other forces refuse to blame executive force

The Hamas Movement has rejected a statement issued by a number of parties within the higher follow up committee of Palestinian Islamic and national forces that called for dissolving the PA interior ministry's executive force after blaming it for the clashes in Gaza on Thursday.

Hanna appeals for an end to feudal fighting

Dr. Attalla Hanna the Roman Orthodox Archbishop of Sabastia has urged both Hamas and Fatah movements to sit at the negotiating table and agree on common grounds in order to avoid further armed disputes.

Washington to offer $86m to Abbas’ loyalist forces

The American administration is to offer 86 million dollars to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas to boost his presidential guards according to an official American statement.

Haneyya leaves for Haj at onset of second tour

PA premier Ismail Haneyya on Thursday crossed the Rafah terminal heading for Saudi Arabia to perform the Haj (pilgrimage) before proceeding on a second tour of a number of countries to rally support for his besieged Palestinian people.