Fri 20-September-2024


IOF troops assassinate resistance activist another youth yields to his wounds

IOF troops murdered a Palestinian resistance activist at an early hour Tuesday in Nablus city while another Palestinian succumbed to serious wounds suffered in a similar assassination bid a week ago.

Palestinians warn of repeated Israeli attempts to destroy Maghareba road

A number of Palestinian national and religious figures has warned of repeated feverish attempts on the part of "Zionist" groups and figures to destroy the Maghareba road leading to the holy Aqsa Mosque.

Siyam: Foreign hands involved in igniting Palestinian strife

PA interior minister Sa'eed Siyam on Monday charged that foreign hands were tampering with the internal situation in the Palestinian arena and were igniting unrest among the Palestinians.

Erdogan: Abbas’ call for early elections ill-timed

Turkish premier Receb Erdogan has described PA chief Mahmoud Abbas' call for early elections as negative and ill-timed pointing out that the Palestinian people's democratic choice was not respected.

Haneyya asks Abbas to recall presidential guards from the street

Ismail Haneyya the PA premier has called on PA chief Mahmoud Abbas to recall the presidential guards from the street affirming that the security responsibility in the street was of the interior ministry and its apparatuses.

Mishaal affirms Hamas’ insistence on unity government

Khaled Mishaal the political bureau chief of the Hamas Movement on Monday made a number of telephone contacts with Arab leaders and officials briefing them on latest Palestinian developments.

Hamas affirms commitment to ceasefire with Fatah

The Hamas Movement on Monday affirmed its commitment to the ceasefire agreement with the Fatah faction that was declared at a late hour Sunday and appreciated the responsible and national stand that contributed to patching the dispute.

MP Tafesh: Agents to “Zionist project” targeted Haneyya and Zahhar

MP Khaled Tafesh has asserted that agents to the "Zionist-American" project in the region were the ones who masterminded the assassination attempt of PA premier Ismail Haneyya and his foreign minister Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahhar.

Israel prepares for war against Hamas

The Israeli army is preparing for an open confrontation with the Hamas Movement which is now only a matter of time the Hebrew radio on Monday quoted officials in the Israeli premier and his war minister's offices as saying.

IOF troops wound Palestinian boy arrest six

IOF troops at dawn Monday invaded the West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp blasted their way into numerous shops and sabotaged whatever was in their way local sources reported.