Fri 20-September-2024


Palestinian factions based in Damascus reject early elections

Palestinian factions based in Damascus on Wednesday rejected the PLO executive committee's recommendation to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas to call for early presidential and parliamentary elections describing it as a coup against Palestinian democracy.

Wife of Farra accuses preventive security elements of killing her husband

The wife of judge Bassam Al-Farra who was killed while on his to his work in Ban Suhaila Islamic court on Wednesday morning has accused the PA preventive security apparatus of involvement in his murder.

IOF forces kill Palestinian in Gaza wound fishermen

IOF troops stationed in the vicinity of the Mintar (Karni) crossing east of Gaza city fired at a Palestinian citizen and killed him on the spot claiming he was armed and approaching the separation fence between the Gaza Strip and the green line.

Thousands in Farra funeral hold Abbas responsible for his murder

Tens of thousands of Palestinians took part afternoon Wednesday in the funeral procession of judge Bassam Al-Farra who was killed earlier Wednesday at the hands of unknown armed men while on his way to his work in a Khan Younis court.

IOF soldiers kill Palestinian claiming he stabbed officer

IOF soldiers Wednesday evening shot and killed a Palestinian man after claiming he stabbed an IOF officer in the neck at the Qalandia roadblock northwest of occupied Jerusalem.

Two Israeli soldiers wounded in resistance attacks

An Israeli soldier was wounded during an incursion into the Jenin refugee camp Wednesday morning while a security guard was seriously injured when a Palestinian stabbed him at the notorious Qalandia roadblock.

Qassam Brigades vow to prosecute Farra’s killers

The Qassam Brigades the armed wing of the Hamas Movement on Wednesday vowed to chase and bring to justice the killers of Bassam Al-Farra 28 the Islamic court judge and one of the armed wing's field commanders.

Haneyya: We will not allow security deterioration

Ismail Haneyya the PA premier on Wednesday strongly condemned the assassination of Bassam Al-Farra the Islamic court judge and the Hamas field commander in Khan Younis south of the Gaza Strip earlier today.

Hamas: Death squad responsible for assassination of Farra

The Hamas Movement on Wednesday held the so-called "Death Squad" affiliated with the preventive security apparatus responsible for the assassination crime of judge Bassam Al-Farra who is also a member in the Palestine Scholars League and a Qassam field commander.

IOF atrocities in the West Bank persist Palestinian resistance retaliates

IOF troops manning the Bahria checkpoint south of the West Bank city of Nablus Tuesday evening blocked the sick Palestinian citizen Ismail Ramadan 48 from reaching hospital which led to his death.