Thu 19-September-2024


IOF troops storm Jenin five soldiers wounded in Qabatia

IOF armored vehicles at dawn Tuesday rumbled into the streets of Jenin and its refugee camp amidst intensive shooting in a bid to arrest resistance activists but no arrests were reported.

PFLP-GC: PLO executive committee unable to shoulder responsibility

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command (PFLP-GC) has criticized the PLO executive committee's recommendation calling for early presidential and parliamentary elections in the PA-run lands.

Haneyya’s visit to Tehran brought $250M to the Palestinian people

As he concluded his four-day visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran PA premier Ismail Haneyya announced that the visit was successful and achieved a lot of things in favor of the Palestinian people noting that Iran pledged 250 million dollars in assistance to the Palestinian people.

Abu Marzook: Tension in Palestinian arena coincided with Abbas’ adverse remarks

Deputy-head of Hamas' political bureau Dr. Mousa Abu Marzook has affirmed that the heinous murder incident in Gaza city Monday was linked to the announcement made by PA chief Mahmoud Abbas that unity talks had reached a dead-end.

Higher follow up committee demands greater security control

The higher follow up committee of national and Islamic forces in Palestine has urged the PA security apparatuses to exercise greater control on the Palestinian street following Monday's heinous crime in which four Palestinian children were gunned down at the hands of unknown armed men in Gaza city.

Hamas warns of exploiting murder of schoolchildren to serve political goals

The Hamas Movement has urged Palestinian local parties who are trying to employ heinous killing of the four schoolchildren to serve their political goals to stop playing with words because the "Palestinian people know the truth and will prosecute the criminals".

Hamas MP Jihad leader describe killers of the children as traitors agents

Hamas MP Ismail Al-Ashkar on Monday described as "traitors" the culprits who killed three Palestinian children in Gaza city earlier today and added that they were members of a fifth column.

Egyptian FM to arrive in the Hebrew state within days

Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Abul Ghaith is to pay an official visit to the Hebrew state within the few coming days according to the Hebrew radio on Monday.

Nazzal: We will not allow coup against democracy

Mohammed Nazzal the political bureau member of the Hamas Movement on Monday emphasized that his Movement would not allow a coup against Palestinian democracy through the so-called early elections and affirmed that PA premier Ismail Haneyya would visit Saudi Arabia.

Muzzaini: Israel softens stand on prisoners after failing to free Shalit

Hamas' senior political leader Dr. Osama Al-Muzzaini has announced that the Israeli occupation government had started to soften its stubbornness over demands made by captors of its soldier Gilad Shalit after realizing that feeing him without a price is next to impossible.