Thu 19-September-2024


FM: Abbas’ advisor owes Palestinians apology over erred statements

The PA foreign affairs ministry has stressed that Rafik Al-Husseini the director of PA president's office is owing the Palestinian people a public apology for wrongly accusing the current PA ministers of embezzling people's money although implicitly.

Mishaal champions formation of unity government away from American influence

Head of Hamas' political bureau Khaled Mishaal has invited PA presidency Fatah Movement and the rest of Palestinian factions to form a PA coalition government based on Palestinian standards and away from American pressures.

Masri: Washington’s policy dangerous to the entire region

MP Mushir Al-Masri secretary of the Hamas-affiliated change and reform bloc in the PLC on Saturday warned that the blind USA's support for Israeli policy and its bias against the Palestinian people would entail dangerous repercussions on the entire Middle East region.

Yousef: Hamas-led government won’t negotiate with Israel

Political advisor of the PA premier Dr. Ahmed Yousef has affirmed that the Hamas-led PA government has no intention of involving in direct negotiations with the Israeli occupation government in any form.

IOF atrocities in Gaza retract but offensives on West Bank escalate

A fresh report issued by the Gaza-based Palestinian human rights center revealed that IOF troops' atrocities in Gaza Strip had noticeably declined; but aggressions on the West Bank intensified.

Bahar: Haneyya’s successful tour prompted envious figures to attack government

Acting speaker of the PA legislature and Hamas' senior political leader Dr. Ahmed Bahar has opined that the successful Arab and Muslim tour of PA premier Ismail Haneyya had irked and prompted a number of ill-wishers in the Palestinian arena to maliciously attack his government.

FM charges USA with encouraging “coup” against Palestinian democracy

The PA foreign ministry has charged the US administration with encouraging a "coup" against Palestinian democracy and with seeking the formation of a Palestinian government according to its own standards.

Hayya: Palestinian masses will not allow return of corruption in PA

Palestinian lawmaker and head of Hamas' parliamentary bloc in the PLC Dr. Khalil Al-Hayya has warned that his Movement will not remain idle towards any attempt to overthrow the legitimate PA government that was democratically elected by the great majority of the Palestinian people.

Two Palestinians wounded in IOF shooting

Two Palestinian citizens were wounded afternoon Friday when IOF troops stationed outside the north of the Gaza Strip fired at farmers in Beit Hanun.

Egyptian lawyers to sue Israel over Beit Hanoun Massacre

A number of Egyptian lawyers approached the Mayor of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip and suggested taking Israel to the International Court of Justice in The Hague over last November's Beit Hanoun Massacre according to Hebrew media sources.