Mon 16-September-2024


IOA gives the free rein for IOF troops to commit more killing in West Bank

Israeli security sources anticipated that the Israeli occupation government would approve a recommendation made by the Israeli occupation army and the various intelligence apparatuses to release the hands of IOF troops to carry out more arrests and killings in the West Bank.

Classes in Najah University to resume after initiative from Islamic bloc

Classes in the Najah University are scheduled to resume Saturday after three days of suspension at the backdrop of threats made by armed groups affiliated with Fatah faction to disrupt classes if the Islamic bloc that won the elections celebrates the victory.

Bardawil accuses a trend within Fatah of working to annul elections results

Gaza – Dr. Salah al-Bardawil spokesman of the Hamas parliamentary block accused a trend within the Fatah movement working for the cancellation of the results of the general elections and sidelining Hamas under the pretext of lifting the siege.

Palestinian boy seriously wounded in Sair

Al-Khalil – A Palestinian boy was seriously wounded Thursday evening when IOF troops raided the village of Sair and refugee camp of Arroub to the east of al-Khalil and clashed with Palestinian youth according to Palestinian medical sources.

Mufti of Jerusalem calls for Palestinian unity

Occupied Jerusalem – The Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine Sheikh Muhammad Husain called on Palestinian factions in his Friday sermon at the Aqsa Mosque to unite their ranks and abandon discord.

Haneyya: Fatah is responsible for failure to form government

Cairo – The PA Prime Minister Ismail Haneyya blamed the failure to reach an agreement on a national unity government on Fatah's rejection of conventions and constitutional standards.

New Zealand Attorney General stays prosecution of Israeli war crimes suspect

Gaza – The Palestinian Centre for Human rights in Gaza reported that the prosecution of an Israeli war crimes suspect was stayed as part of a legal manoeuvre by the Attorney General of New Zealand to prevent the arrest or charge of the suspect while on a visit to New Zealand.

Occupation detains more than 75 Palestinians in 3 days

Occupied Jerusalem – Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continue to breach the ceasefire agreement by going into occupied areas and arresting more Palestinians at the time a prisoner exchange deal is being negotiated. More 75 Palestinians have been arrested in the past three days.

Zeidan: Our arrest shows how uncivilized the occupation is

Jenin - PA minister of public works and housing Abdul Rahman Zeidan has charged that the Israeli occupation authority’s arrest of PA ministers and lawmakers displayed how uncivilized was that occupation.

Egyptian official expects prisoners’ swap deal within weeks

Nazareth - Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman has predicted that the prisoners’ swap deal between the Palestinians and Israel would be concluded within the few coming weeks.