Thu 19-September-2024


Redwan: National unity government to be declared soon

Gaza - The Hamas Movement spokesman in the Gaza Strip Dr. Ismail Redwan on Wednesday expressed optimism that the new PA national unity government would be declared soon.

IOF troops kidnap Palestinian mother of five children to pressure her wanted hus

Al-Khalil - Before daybreak Wednesday IOF troops kidnapped a Palestinian mother of five children in the West Bank city of Dura south of Al-Khalil city after ransacking her home.

PA presidential guards receive more munitions under IOF protection

Ramallah - A truck loaded with weapons has crossed the Atara checkpoint in Ramallah city heading to the PA presidential guard's headquarters in the city under full IOF troops' protection local Palestinian sources revealed.

Jordanian banks refuse to break siege on Palestinian people

Amman - Jordanian banks have decided to maintain the unjust US-led economic blockade imposed on the Palestinian people and refused to implement a decision taken by the Arab foreign ministers in Cairo Sunday to break the nine-month-old siege.

Israeli war minister survives Qassam explosion

Nazareth - The Palestinian Qassam missiles that slammed into Sderot to the north of the Gaza Strip on Wednesday barely missed the house of Israeli war minister Amir Peretz whose bodyguard was seriously wounded in the attack.

Israeli air force dropped 1.2 million cluster bombs on Lebanon

Nazareth- The Israeli air force dropped more than 1.2 million American-made cluster bombs on Lebanon during Israel's recent war waged on that Arab country for almost two months last summer a Hebrew paper reported.

Fatah official: Hamas and Fatah agree on distribution of ministries

Gaza - Sources in Fatah Movement revealed that an initial agreement has been made between Fatah and Hamas Movements on the distribution of the 25 ministerial portfolios in the next PA unity government.

Palestinian population close to 10 millions worldwide

Ramallah - Based on data revealed by the Palestinian central statistics apparatus Palestinian population worldwide has reached 9.8 millions in mid 2005 including 5 millions living in the diaspora 1.1 inside the 1948-occupied lands and 3.7 millions in the Gaza Strip and West Bank.

IOA mulls denying Hamas captives family visits to pressure Movement on Shalit

Nazareth - The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) are reportedly studying proposals made by Israel's security apparatuses suggesting denying Hamas captives in Israeli jails right of family visits in a bid to pressure the Movement into releasing captured IOF serviceman Gilad Shalit.

Hamas: Next PA government won’t recognize Israel two-state solution

Gaza - Leaving no room for speculations the Hamas Movement affirmed Tuesday that the next government where the Movement is set to get the lion's share will never recognize the Hebrew state or accept the two-state solution.