Sat 26-October-2024


IOF troops kill 16 Palestinians since calm started a month ago

IOF troops have killed 16 Palestinians mostly in the West Bank over the past month of calm forged between the Israeli government and Palestinian resistance factions according to Quds Press statistics.

Hamas denies planning to target American interests

Spokesmen for Hamas Movement and its armed wing the Qassam Brigades on Monday denied allegations published by a Hebrew daily that the Movement was planning to attack American targets.

Hamas castigates Abbas advisors for participating in siege demands inquiry

The Hamas Movement on Monday condemned the involvement of the PA presidency chaired by Mahmoud Abbas in the western-led siege on the Palestinian people through attending a meeting aimed at tightening that siege.

Abu Marzouk: Nothing new from Abbas-Olmert meeting

Dr. Mousa Abu Marzouk the deputy political bureau chairman of the Hamas Movement has lashed out at the meeting between PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli premier Ehud Olmert saying that Abbas should have rather met with his own government.

PA government denounces repeated attacks on Zahhar’s home

The PA government on Monday denounced the repeated attacks on the home of Dr. Mahmoud Zahhar the PA foreign minister describing the perpetrators as an "irresponsible armed group".

Shots fired at PA foreign minister’s home

Unknown armed men Sunday night shot at the home of Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahhar the PA foreign minister in Gaza city and in its vicinity PA security sources reported.

Israeli intelligence rules out Fatah victory in early elections

Israeli intelligence chief Yuval Diskin has ruled out the possibility of a Fatah faction victory in any early legislative elections in the Palestinian lands in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Israel to ponder releasing Barghouthi in swap deal

Israel is pondering the release of Marwan Al-Barghouthi one fo the top Fatah leaders in the West Bank in the currently negotiated prisoners' exchange deal with the Palestinian resistance factions holding the IOF serviceman Gilad Shalit.

Hamad: Abbas-Olmert meeting attempts to beautify the ugly image of occupation

Ghazi Hamad the PA government spokesman on Sunday warned that the meeting between PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli premier Ehud Olmert targeted beautifying the ugly image of Israeli occupation before the world.

Bardawil charges Abbas with planning military coup against the government

Salah Bardawil the spokesman of the Hamas-affiliated change and reform parliamentary bloc on Sunday charged PA chief Mahmoud Abbas with impeding national dialogue and with planning military coup against the PA government.