Fri 25-October-2024


Yemeni president: Early elections not the required solution

Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh on Sunday reached Khaled Mishaal the political bureau chief of the Hamas Movement and voiced his opposition to early presidential and parliamentary elections in the PA-run lands.

Palestinian armed wings refuse Abbas’ call for early elections

Armed wings of Palestinian resistance factions including four affiliated with Fatah Movement on Sunday declared refusal of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas' call for early legislative elections.

Islamic Movement in 1948 urges expediting Palestinian unity government

The Islamic Movement in the 1948 occupied lands has called on both the PA presidency and premiership to resume talks on the formation of a national unity government in the wake of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas' call for early legislative elections.

IOF troops fire at workers wound one of them

IOF troops on Sunday fired at a group of Palestinian workers in the vicinity of Dhaheria village to the south of Al-Khalil city while heading to their jobs in the 1948 occupied Palestinian lands medical sources reported.

Qasssam fighter survives assassination attempt

One of the field commanders of the Qassam Brigades the armed wing of the Hamas Movement on Sunday survived an assassination attempt at the hands of a group of armed men in central Gaza.

Abbas’ call for early elections causes rift within Fatah

The central committee of the Fatah Movement on Sunday lashed out at Farouk Kaddoumi the secretary general of the Movement and other Palestinian factions that rejected PA chief Mahmoud Abbas' call for early legislative elections.

Jordan blocks travel of PA minister via its territory

The PA minister of social affairs Fakhri Turkman has expressed utter dismay over the Jordanian authority's refusal to allow him pass through its lands to attend an Arab League conference in Cairo.

PA interior ministry orders arrest of AMB spokesman

PA interior minister Sa'eed Siyam ordered director of internal security in the Gaza Strip Rashid Abu Shibak to arrest John Musleh who introduced himself as a spokesman for the AMB the armed wing of Fatah faction before the TV space channels.

Hamas: We will not allow a coup against Palestinian will

The Hamas Movement absolutely disproved what PA chief Mahmoud Abbas had voiced against the Movement in his speech on Saturday in Ramallah affirming that Hamas would not allow a coup against the Palestinian people's will.

Mishaal Shallah criticize Abbas over speech

Khaled Mishaal the political bureau chairman of the Hamas Movement has affirmed that his Movement along with all other Palestinian factions refused any step in the wrong direction in reference to PA chief Mahmoud Abbas' call for early legislative elections.