Fri 25-October-2024


Kabaha lashes out at Qaraqi over erred statements on Palestinian prisoners

PA prisoners' affairs minister Wasfi Kabaha has blatantly accused the "coup trend" within Fatah faction of "poisoning" the Palestinian arena with wrong statements they uttered on the media with the aim to derail the formation of a unity government.

Shaer: Abbas shouldn’t listen to divisiveness mongers in Palestinian arena

PA deputy-premier and education minister Dr. Nasser Al-Dein Al-Shaer has affirmed that Palestinians should block malicious attempts by certain figures unhappy with forming a unity government in the Palestinian arena.

Quds Brigades: New strategy in retaliation to IOF arrest of civilians

Abu Ahmed the spokesman for the Quds Brigades the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement has announced that his armed wing would adopt a new strategy within the few coming days to retaliate to the Israeli policy of kidnapping relatives of wanted activists to pressures them into surrender.

Odwan urges Maliki’s government to protect Palestinians in Iraq

The noticeable increase in numbers of Palestinian refugees killed and kidnapped in Iraq has apparently spurred PA refugee affairs' ministry to urge the government of Iraqi premier Nuri Al-Maliki to protect Palestinian refugees in his country.

AMB fires 3 missiles at Kfar Aza declares end of truce

The AMB the armed wing of the Fatah Movement on Wednesday claimed responsibility for firing three "upgraded" home-made missiles at the Israeli settlement of Kfar Aza in the green line (Palestinian lands occupied in 1948).

IOF aggressions in Gaza Strip and West Bank escalate

IOF troops in the West Bank and around Gaza Strip have intensified their military aggressions against Palestinian citizens in both regions Wednesday as they fired at Palestinian citizens in the Strip and ransacked Palestinian homes in the West Bank.

UNHRC condemns “grave” IOF violations in war on Lebanon

The UN Human Rights Council has condemned the IOF troops' use of cluster bombs during the war on Lebanon last July and considered the use of such kind of bombs as a grave violation of people's right to live other than not being militarily justified.

Palestinian teachers doctors march in appreciation of Qatari initiative

The Palestinian teachers syndicate and the Islamic bloc of medical professions on Wednesday staged a massive march in Gaza streets out of appreciation to the Qatari initiative of paying their salaries.

IOF soldiers shoot Palestinian child in the eye arrest mother of five

The 9-year-old Palestinian child Rabee Fayez Awad was hit with an IOF bullet in his eye during an IOF incursion into the village of Edhna Al-Khalil district last night locals reported.

Zahhar urges world states to sever diplomatic relations with Israel

PA foreign affairs minister Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahhar has urged the world's states especially the Latin American countries among other states to follow the Venezuelan step in cutting diplomatic ties with the Hebrew state over the crimes it was and still is committing against the Palestinian people.