Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian Heritage

‘Hands of Gold’ showcases locally made products in Gaza

Homemade artifacts cleaning products cosmetics food and jewelry were amongst a number of items which were on display and up for sale in Gaza's fifth Hands of Gold exhibition.

Four winners of the Prize for Preserving Palestinian Heritage in UK

The Palestinian Forum in Britain announced on Friday 13.12.2019 the names of the winners of the annual award for the preservation of the Palestinian heritage.

Israel is falsifying Palestinian history and stealing its heritage

Palestine is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of antiquities competing with Egypt in the Arab world.

Is Israel stealing Palestinian cuisine?

Israel's need for legitimacy means that it is also appropriating Palestinian cuisine.

Palestine Heritage Festival launched in Istanbul

The Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad FİDDER Association and Takaleed Foundation staged the Palestine Heritage Festival on Saturday 5 October in Istanbul City Turkey.

Palestinians celebrate Traditional Dress Day in Gaza

The Ministry of Culture in Gaza on Tuesday commemorated the Palestinian "Traditional Dress Day" which falls on 25 July of every year.

Saladin’s maklouba

Meat or chicken was our dear and expensive weekly guest. As for the rest of the week our permanent residents were either lentils or other legumes from the land such as chickpeas freekah bulgur and fava beans.

No Ramadan lanterns for Gaza children

Dozens of lanterns are lined up in front of his shop in the center of Gaza City seemingly giving off the joy of the Ramadan spirit. However this image is not that joyful for behind these lanterns stories of pain and suffering hide.

St. Hilarion Monastery is witness to the history of Palestine

After its conditions deteriorated for many years the monastery of St. Hilarion in Gaza Strip is now living its days after its restoration works was about to finish.

Israel is Judaizing Khan Al-Amdan

More than 200 years ago Ahmed Pasha Al-Jazzar built Khan Al-Amdan in Acre Palestine as one of the most important commercial architectural buildings.

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