Fri 20-September-2024

Palestinian Heritage

Israeli army maneuvers distort Palestinian beauty

The Israeli occupation continues to target the Palestinian food basket (Alyanbee and Wurud area) with its hatred to distort tourism and civilization of Palestine. However its oppressive efforts are always faced by the will of life in the Palestinian Valley.

A story of clinging to Palestinian Heritage of Sweets & Delights

In his modest shop which dates back more than 25 years in the old town of Nablus in the north of the occupied West Bank Abu Ayyad 54 continues daily to strive and produce Nabulsi Halqoum (Palestinian delight) which he started making more than 30 years ago.

The village of arts in Gaza

The village of arts and crafts run by the Municipality of Gaza located next to the Al-Katiba Park in the center of Gaza City was not merely a destination for artists but also the largest incubator of the Palestinian heritage.

Muna Bakery: A glimpse of Nablus’s history

Muna Bakery is located in one of the alleys of the Old City of Nablus and it still maintains the style of ancient Arab bakeries. Although life has changed and dozens of modern bakeries were built in Nablus Muna Bakery is visited regularly by the people of the Old City.

Jerusalemites bring Al-Amoud Gate to Nablus

Behind a huge statue of Al-Amoud Gate one of the gates of the Old City of Jerusalem a group of Jerusalemite women brought the scent of Jerusalem to Nablus for its lovers to enjoy.

Preserving identity despite the Judaization

Al-Bashura Market is one of the oldest markets located within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Palestinians’ most famous breakfast dish in Eid Al-Fitr

Salted fish has a special status in the northern West Bank city of Nablus being a popular breakfast for many of its residents on the morning of Eid Al-Fitr.

Variety and traditional dishes

The Iftar table of the families of Jerusalem varies during the holy month of Ramadan as many traditional dishes are served while others are no longer there.

The relationship between Maqlouba the Palestinians and Salahuddin

Maqlouba which literally means ‘upside down’ is a traditional dish that has long been spoken of by the Palestinians.

Palestinian recycles teargas grenades into works of art

The 40-year-old Palestinian citizen Ahmad Abu Ataya has his own way of confronting the teargas grenades thrown by the Israeli army at the Gazans protesting along the border with the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories.

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