Fri 25-October-2024


Palestinian tool of struggle at the Great March of Return

From the Stone Uprising of 1987 to the Great March of Return of 2018 the slingshot has been a tool for the Palestinian struggle that unleashed a wave of anger against the Israeli occupation.

Tragic conditions of Gazan families in Ramadan

A woman covers her face from people turns right and left and waits for the chicken shop near her house in Gaza City to be empty of shoppers and quickly approaches the remaining garbage on the ground to search for chicken’s legs so that she could offer her fasting kids a meal.

The most famous Ramadan juice seller in Jenin

A job he inherited from his father half a century ago Yusuf Sarhan Azouqa otherwise known as Abu Hassan sells Ramadan drinks especially carob in the center of the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

A model for social solidarity in Ramadan

Volunteer teams every afternoon distribute and engage in preparing meals in Nablus during the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

The refuge of the poor in Ramadan

Hebron an Arab-Muslim city has been known throughout history as the city of Prophet Ibraham Al-Khalil peace be upon him.

The Plan to Liquidate UNRWA: What’s Next?

There have been in recent times increased US attempts to liquidate the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

Gaza in Ramadan: Sad and oppressed

Decorations and lanterns are absent from the streets of Gaza that were usually prepared by families and institutions in past years.

The world condemns the Gaza massacre

Arab and foreign countries regional and international organizations condemned the massacre committed on Monday by Israeli forces against peaceful Palestinian protesters

Palestinians in Iraq: 27000 fled death

The suffering of Palestinian refugees in Iraq has not stopped since the US invasion in 2003.

Ramadan without lanterns in Gaza

As Ramadan knocks on the door markets start to prepare for the month of fasting decorated by colorful lanterns (Fanous) waiting for children's hands to hold them.

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