Sat 27-July-2024

Europeans for Al-Quds: Three martyrs and 129 detainees in O. Jerusalem in March

Wednesday 3-April-2024


The Europeans for Al-Quds Foundation stated that Israeli police forces killed three Palestinians, including two children, and injured eight others in Occupied Jerusalem during the month of March.

The Foundation documented in its monthly report, which monitors violations in Jerusalem, 47 incidents of shooting and direct assaults by Israeli forces in the neighborhoods of Occupied Jerusalem, resulting in the martyrdom of three citizens, including two children, and the injury of eight others while dozens suffered from suffocation, in addition to at least 26 citizens being subjected to beatings and abuse.

The report also documented 368 incursions by the occupation forces in towns and neighborhoods of Jerusalem, during which 129 citizens, including 6 children and 4 women, were arrested, and 17 others were summoned and 9 citizens were placed under house arrest.

The report also documented 10 demolition operations that resulted in the destruction of 4 houses and rooms in 3 other houses, and 3 facilities, and the distribution of demolition notices and the confiscation of agricultural land.

During the month of March, the occupation authorities issued three settlement decisions, including the conversion of Palestinian land in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood into a parking lot for settlers and the opening of a settlement road, as well as the approval of the construction of 3,500 settlement units, as part of the Judaization plan of the city, the consolidation of settlements, and the imposition of a fait accompli.

The report indicated the participation of 3,155 settlers and hundreds under the pretext of tourists in storming Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was repeated for 20 days. The occupation forces stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque about 6 times to prevent Itikaf (Islamic religious retreat) after Taraweeh prayers.

The Israeli occupation authorities also continued to implement the policy of deporting people from Al-Aqsa Mosque or the city of Jerusalem, and during this month, they issued 317 deportation orders.

The report documented 14 attacks carried out by settlers, including attacks on citizens, their property, incitement against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), and threats against its employees.

The Foundation confirmed that the occupation forces continue to exploit their war on the Gaza Strip to escalate their violations in Jerusalem, targeting Jerusalemites and holy sites, and carrying out Judaization plans in the city of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Violations continued during the month of Ramadan, including attempts to obstruct the arrival of worshipers to Al-Aqsa Mosque and the policy of preventing Itikaf during Ramadan.

Europeans for Al-Quds warned of the danger of the ongoing violations in Jerusalem, including allowing extremist settlers to carry out attacks against citizens, and attempting to impose new facts on Al-Aqsa Mosque, while increasing the suffering of Jerusalemites, alongside the continued policies of Judaization and repeated incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the attempts to impose temporal and spatial division on the Mosque and repeated attacks on the Bab al-Rahma prayer hall and attempts to close it.

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