Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli court jails four Jerusalemites for different periods

Wednesday 1-February-2023

After spending five years in Israeli jails the Israeli district court in Occupied Jerusalem sentenced on Wednesday four Palestinian detainees from the holy city to different prison terms on allegations of their involvement in resistance activities.

According to the family committee of Jerusalemite detainees the court sentenced 44-year-old Mohamed al-Farroukh to 19 years in jail. He is married with six children and has been in detention since August 22 2017.

The same court also sentenced 23-year-old Mohamed al-Abbasi to 13 years and 24-year-old Ameer al-Farroukh to 14 years in jail. They have been in prison since August 18 2017 and September 5 2017 respectively.

As for prisoner Ahmed Abu Khalaf 23 he received a 14-year prison sentence. He has been in jail since September 11 2017.

Last January the Israeli occupation police detained and jailed 187 Jerusalemite citizens placed 37 citizens under house arrest and banished 27 others from Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque.

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