Fri 5-July-2024

PLC slams Sudan’s intended normalization deal with Israel

Saturday 4-February-2023

Ahmed Bahar acting speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has strongly denounced the Sudanese ministry of foreign affairs’ decision to normalize relations with the Israeli occupation state.

In a statement on Friday Bahar described such a step as “against the will and beliefs of the Sudanese people and their institutions and political parties.”

Bahar warned of Israeli efforts to penetrate the Arab region in order to serve its racist and criminal agenda against the Palestinian people and their holy sites stressing that the normalization of ties with the occupation state poses a real threat to the Arab and Muslim nations.

The lawmaker added that such a Sudanese step would provide the occupation state with a favorable environment to escalate its aggression against Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque.

He urged the Sudanese leadership to backtrack on this decision stressing the need for developing a Palestinian Arab and Islamic strategy and making diplomatic and popular efforts to stop what he described as “the crime of normalization with the occupation state.”

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