Wed 3-July-2024

IOF teargases assaults citizens in J’lem and al-Khalil

Wednesday 15-February-2023

Dozens of Palestinian citizens suffered from their exposure to tear gas during clashes with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Tuesday in Jerusalem and al-Khalil.

According to local sources Israeli police forces fired tear gas canisters intensively at citizens stores and homes in the afternoon as students were walking home from their schools in Shuafat refugee camp in east Jerusalem.

Eyewitnesses also reported that Israeli officers savagely assaulted a number of citizens including a girl student in Shuafat.

Meanwhile dozens of citizens suffered from inhaling tear gas during clashes in the evening with Israeli soldiers near Beit Ummar town in northern al-Khalil.

Local sources said that the clashes started after several troops stormed an agricultural area near the town and the illegal settlement of Karmei Tzur.

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