Fri 20-September-2024

General strike in Shuafat in protest at Israeli movement restrictions

Thursday 16-February-2023

A general strike was declared on Thursday in Shuafat refugee camp in east Jerusalem in protest at the policy of persecution siege and mass punishment pursued by the Israeli occupation state against the local residents.

In recent months the Israeli occupation police started to close the Shuafat checkpoint repeatedly and impose movement restrictions on the Shuafat camp residents especially in the morning when employees and workers go to their workplaces and students to their schools.

Since last Monday evening police officers have kept humiliating brutalizing and sometimes detaining Jerusalemite citizens collectively at the Shuafat checkpoint.

Meanwhile the Israeli occupation authority issued new demolition orders against homes and structures in east Jerusalem especially in Issawiya district as part of a frenzied demolition campaign launched recently against Palestinian homes and property.

The IOA demolished yesterday about nine commercial structures and facilities in different areas of the holy city mostly in Shuafat town.

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