Sat 7-September-2024

Palestinian woman injured by Israeli gunfire in east J’lem

Thursday 23-February-2023

A Palestinian woman suffered a bullet injury on Thursday morning when an Israeli soldier opened fire at her in the east of Occupied Jerusalem on allegations of her attempt to carry out a stabbing attack.

According to the Israel occupation police a 26-year-old woman from the Jerusalemite town of Abu Dis arrived at a checkpoint at the entrance of Ma’ale Adumim settlement early on Thursday while holding a knife. She allegedly attempted to stab security guards there but one of them shot and injured her.

Eyewitnesses reported that the Israeli police left the wounded woman lying on the ground bleeding and without any first aid before taking her away.

According to the Palestinian health ministry the woman was injured by a bullet in her lower extremities.

The alleged stabbing attempt comes on the heels of a recent Israeli escalation against the Palestinians across the occupied territories.

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