Thu 4-July-2024

Palestinian teen killed by IOF in Qalqilya

Friday 10-March-2023

A Palestinian teenager was shot dead on Friday by the live bullets of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) during the weekly anti-settlement march in the West Bank city of Qalqilya.

The Palestinian ministry of health reported that 16-year-old Amir Ouda was proclaimed dead after he was seriously wounded by the IOF live bullets in the chest during clashes that erupted at the northern entrance of Qalqilya.

The death of martyr Ouda brought the number of Palestinian citizens killed by Israel since the beginning of 2023 to 81 including 15 children and an old woman.

In addition IOF soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors to quell the anti-settlement marches in Beita and Beit Dajan villages in Nablus in Kafr Qaddoum village in Qalqilya and in Taquu town to the southeast of Bethlehem.

Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that 12 Palestinian citizens suffered breathing problems in Beit Dajan adding that a number of Palestinians were injured by IOF rubber-coated metal bullets in Kafr Qaddum.

In a related development clashes were reported between Palestinian youths and IOF soldiers in the Beit Za’atara area in Beit Ummar town north of al-Khalil.

Meanwhile Jewish settlers protected by IOF soldiers chased Palestinian citizens forcing them to leave their lands east of Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil according to the coordinator of the popular committees against wall and settlements in al-Khalil Rateb al-Jabour.

Moreover IOF soldiers set up a military checkpoint at the entrance of Shalala Street in the center of al-Khalil stopping Palestinian citizens’ vehicles and asking for their ID cards.

Furthermore a number of Palestinian citizens suffered breathing problems after the Israeli soldiers fired teargas bombs at Palestinian houses in Qaryut village south of Nablus to facilitate the Jewish settlers’ raid into the water spring of the village.

In another development Israeli police stormed the sit-in tent in Silwan town south of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Local sources reported that dozens of Palestinian citizens performed Friday prayer in the sit-in tent in protest at the Israeli policies of home demolition forcible expulsion and settlement expansion practiced in the neighborhood.

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