Thu 4-July-2024

Four Palestinians assassinated by IOF live bullets in Jenin

Thursday 16-March-2023

Four Palestinian citizens including a minor were shot dead on Thursday by a special Israeli force in the West Bank city of Jenin.

The Palestinian ministry of health reported that four Palestinian citizens were proclaimed dead in Jenin adding that 18 others were injured by the live bullets of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF).

It identified the martyrs as Amr Awadin 16 Yusuf Sharim 29 Nidal Hazim 28 and Luay al-Zaghir 37.

For its part the Hamas Movement mourned the death of the martyrs who were massacred by the IOF in Jenin stressing that the martyrs’ blood will not go in vain.

For their part Palestinian factions condemned the IOF assassination of the Palestinian citizens affirming that such a crime constitutes part of the Israeli open war against the Palestinian people.

The factions underlined that such a massacre will not go unpunished warning that Israel will pay a heavy price for its new crime.

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