Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli police raid Aqsa Mosque force Muslim worshipers to leave it

Sunday 26-March-2023

A large number of Israeli police forces stormed last night al-Qibli prayer building at the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem and forcibly expelled Muslim worshipers from it as they were performing I’tikaf (religious retreat) during the third day of the holy month of Ramadan.

According to local sources dozens of police officers stormed the Aqsa Mosque fired tear gas canisters at the worshipers inside the Qibli building and forced them to leave it.

Later more police forces stormed the Aqsa Mosque and kidnaped one of the Muslim worshipers.

In a related context Sheikh Ekrima Sabri head of the Higher Islamic Council in Occupied Jerusalem warned that the Israeli occupation state started its frenzied campaign against the Aqsa Mosque in an attempt to empty it of Muslim worshipers.

For his part Hamas spokesman Mohamed Hamada said that the Palestinian people would defend their right to perform prayers and I’tikaf at the Aqsa Mosque with all means.

Spokesman Hamada condemned the Israeli police attack on Muslim worshipers as they were performing I’tikaf at the Mosque during Ramadan as a crime against freedom of worship and part of the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Islamic holy site.

The spokesman urged the Palestinian masses from the West Bank Jerusalem and 1948 occupied Palestine to march en masse to the Mosque for prayers and I’tikaf and defend it against Israeli violations.

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