Sat 14-September-2024

Hamas: Int’l Quds Day “opportunity to support Jerusalem”

Friday 14-April-2023

The Hamas Movement has said that the International Quds Day is an opportunity to bring the Ummah’s efforts together to support the steadfastness of the Jerusalemites and those who defend the Aqsa Mosque.

In a statement on Friday Hamas appreciated the positions of the Arab and Islamic nations and the world’s free people in support of the Palestinian people’s rights and their legitimate struggle against the Israeli occupation.

Hamas affirmed that Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque would remain at the center of the conflict with the Israeli occupation state “which kills and displaces the Palestinian people and targets their holy sites.”

The Movement added that the Arab and Muslim peoples from all spectra share the responsibility for liberating Jerusalem from the occupation urging them to show more solidarity with the Palestinian people and support their steadfastness on their historical land.

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