Fri 20-September-2024

Clashes with IOF in W. Bank settler violations in al-Khalil

Wednesday 19-April-2023

Violent clashes reportedly happened on Wednesday between Palestinian young men and the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in different West Bank areas.

According to local sources the IOF opened fire at Palestinian youths during clashes with them near Kafr Malik village in the northeast of Ramallah. No one was reportedly injured.

Several citizens also suffered from their exposure to tear gas after Israeli forces stormed al-Quds street in the southern area of Jericho and the main entrance of Aqaba Jaber refugee camp and clashed with local youths.

In Nablus Israeli soldiers kidnaped a Palestinian driver after savagely assaulting him at the Zaatara checkpoint.

A heavy build-up of traffic also happened in both directions of the road after the soldiers closed the checkpoint.

In a separate incident a horde of extremist Jewish settlers escorted by soldiers demolished a number of Palestinian stores in the Old City of al-Khalil.

Local sources said that settlers razed about five stores located in a market locally known as al-Ra’yesh near as-Sunniyya Mosque in the Old City. This area has been closed to Palestinian residents by the Israeli occupation army for over 25 years.

In east Jerusalem local sources said that the Israeli occupation authority stormed Issawiya district to carry out a demolition measure without stating if it would raze a house or other structure.

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