Fri 20-September-2024

IOA to raze homes of Palestinian martyr and prisoner in W. Bank

Saturday 22-April-2023

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) issued on Friday demolition orders against two homes belonging to a Palestinian martyr and a prisoner in the West Bank.

A spokesperson for the Israeli army said that the chief of the central command signed a demolition order against the house of martyr Moataz al-Khawaja in Ni’lin village in western Ramallah. He carried out a shooting operation in Tel Aviv last March.

The spokesperson added that a similar order was also issued against the house of prisoner Osama at-Tawil in Nablus. He is accused of killing an Israeli soldier during a shooting operation in the West Bank in October 2022.

Demolishing the homes of relatives of Palestinians who harmed or attempted to harm Jewish settlers or soldiers is prohibited collective punishment according to the international law and is one of the most extreme measures used by the Israeli occupation state.

Over the years the Israeli authorities have demolished hundreds of Palestinian homes leaving homeless thousands of people who had done no wrong and were not suspected of any wrongdoing.

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