Thu 4-July-2024

Resheq calls for escalating resistance in response to Nablus massacre

Thursday 4-May-2023

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Ezzat al-Resheq has stressed that the Israeli massacre committed in the West Bank city of Nablus constitutes part of the continuous Israeli plans that aim at thwarting the Palestinian resistance.

In a press statement on Thursday Resheq said that the cold-blooded killing of three Palestinian resistance fighters reflects the terrorist Israeli policies practiced against the Palestinian people warning that Israel will pay a heavy price for its new crime.

Resheq hailed the Palestinian resistance fighters in Nablus who have been the spearhead of defending the Palestinian people against the repeated Israeli crimes calling on the Palestinian resistance factions to escalate their resistance operations in response to the Israeli massacres and crimes.

Earlier in the morning the Israeli occupation forces killed three resistance fighters in the Old City of Nablus.

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