Sun 22-September-2024

Settlers attack Palestinian farmers in southern Nablus

Monday 8-May-2023

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers assaulted Palestinian farmers in the towns of Qaryut and Jalud in southern Nablus.

Local activist Bashar al-Qaryuti said that dozens of settlers attacked a group of farmers as they were heading for their lands in as-Sarara area in Qaryut town.

Qaryuti explained that the farmers walked to their lands near the Nablus-Ramallah road to plow them following prior coordination with the Israeli occupation army but settlers spread in the area in the presence of Israeli soldiers and attacked them with pepper spray.

He also said that the settlers assaulted the farmers and punctured tires of tractors belonging to them.

About a week ago the same settlers attacked those farmers damaged one of their tractors and prevented them from going to their lands.

Qaryut farmers were able recently with the help of human rights groups to get back the agricultural area of Sarara officially after it had been seized by settlers for about 15 years.

Other settlers also attacked Palestinian farmers and damaged a tractor belonging to them as they were working their land in Jalud town in southern Nablus.

In a separate incident the Israeli occupation army demolished a plant nursery in Hizma town northeast of Jerusalem at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

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