Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli police turn Occupied Jerusalem into military barracks

Wednesday 17-May-2023

The Israeli police turned the occupied city of Jerusalem into a military barracks after thousands of its forces were deployed in large numbers throughout the city ahead of the flag march.

3000 police forces were deployed in Occupied Jerusalem under the pretext of securing the so-called flag march.

A large arrest campaign was also launched against Palestinian youths in the occupied city while many Jerusalemites were denied access to Occupied Jerusalem under flimsy pretexts.

Recently an extremist temple mount group (Returning to the Mount organization) submitted an official request to the Israeli police asking for permission to allow Jews to enter the Aqsa Mosque in large numbers while carrying Israeli flags on Thursday May 18.

Commenting on the Israeli scheduled march the Hamas Movement said that “the Zionist flag march is a failed attempt to implement racist Judaization plans.”

The Movement stressed that the Israeli occupation’s policy of Judaizing Occupied Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque will not alter their Arab and Islamic character.

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