Mon 8-July-2024

Mishaal: We also use politics in our struggle against the occupation

Saturday 20-May-2023

Head of Hamas’s foreign political bureau Khaled Mishaal has warned of Israeli attempts to divide the Aqsa Mosque spatially and temporally asserting that the Palestinian people will never be tired of defending their land and holy sites.

Addressing the second electronic conference of the Baitul Maqdis Pioneers on Saturday Mishaal said that the Israeli occupation government and its far-right wing vented all their arrogance and fascism on the Palestinian people.

Mishaal said that the US and the Israeli occupation state want the Arab and Muslim nations (Ummah) to remain weak in order for them to carry out their plots in the region especially in Palestine but he expressed his belief that the Ummah would never forsake the Palestinian cause.

The Hamas leader affirmed that Hamas does not only fight battles with weapons and resistance but it also uses politics and other means efficiently in its struggle against the occupation.

He pointed out that the Palestinian resistance’s joint operations room unified the Palestinian people on the ground especially during the recent battles with the Israeli occupation.

He made it clear that Hamas opens its doors to everyone to defend the Palestinian people’s national cause and their land affirming that the occupation state seeks with all means to dry up the sources of financial support for the Palestinian resistance.

He urged the Arab and Muslim nations to provide more support for the Palestinian resistance to help it develop its capabilities and defend Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque.

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