Wed 3-July-2024

IOF attacks child students teachers in Nablus

Tuesday 30-May-2023

A number of Palestinian students and teachers suffered from their exposure to tear gas on Tuesday when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked them as they left their elementary school in Huwara town south of Nablus.

Raja Awad principal of the Omar Bin al-Khattab Boy School told WAFA news agency that Israeli forces showered child students and teachers with tear gas canisters and stun grenades after they left the school.

Several students and teachers reportedly suffered from breathing problems and other teargas effects.

Awad pointed out that the IOF had been trying for nearly a month to obstruct the education process at his school through raiding it terrorizing the students and chasing them claiming that students from the school threw stones at soldiers.

He added that teachers in cooperation with local residents are forced to spread out daily along the road leading to the school to ensure the safety of students.

He affirmed that his school students who number 500 children from the first grade to the seventh grade suffer from anxiety and fear as they go to their school as a result of their previous exposure to attacks and aggressive practices at the hands of Israeli soldiers.

In a separate incident violent clashes broke out in the morning between Palestinian youths and Israeli forces at the western entrance of al-Mughayir town in eastern Ramallah.

For 18 days the local residents of Mughayir have been barred by the IOF from leaving or entering their town through its main entrances forcing them to use long and rough routes to reach workplaces and schools.

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