Fri 20-September-2024

Jerusalemite citizen forced to self-demolish his home

Friday 2-June-2023

The Israeli municipality on Friday forced a Palestinian citizen to self-demolish his house to the south of Occupied Jerusalem.

Local sources reported that the Israeli municipality forced the Jerusalemite citizen Ibrahim Abu Tir to self-demolish his house in Umm Tuba town.

They added that the home has been the shelter for Abu Tir and his family for 15 years.

Jerusalemite families are forced to self-demolish their houses or structures to avoid paying exorbitant fees to the Israeli municipality.

In another development Israeli police arrested two Jerusalemite young men after assaulting them near Bab al-Amud in Jerusalem.

Local sources said that two Jerusalemite young men were beaten and arrested without providing information about their identity.

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