Fri 20-September-2024

Israeli army to raze home of Palestinian prisoner soon

Wednesday 7-June-2023

The Israeli occupation army notified on Tuesday the family of Palestinian prisoner Kamal Jouri 22 of its intent to demolish its house in Nablus within one week.

The Israeli army claims that Jouri and his jailed friend Osama at-Tawil killed an Israeli soldier during a shooting operation on October 11 2022 near Deir Sharaf village in western Nablus.

On February 13 Israeli special forces were able to arrest Jouri and Tawil along with three others after encircling a building in central Nablus.

Jouri suffered critical wounds during that Israeli arrest operation which continued for about four hours. He is now confined to a wheelchair.

Last February Israeli soldiers stormed two houses belonging to the families of prisoners Jouri and Tawil and took their measurements as a prelude to demolishing them later.

Demolishing the homes of relatives of Palestinians who harmed or attempted to harm Jewish settlers or soldiers is prohibited collective punishment according to the international law and is one of the most extreme measures used by the Israeli occupation state.

Over the years the Israeli occupation authority has demolished hundreds of Palestinian homes leaving homeless thousands of people who did nothing wrong and were not suspected of any wrongdoing.

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