Wed 3-July-2024

PLC slams Morocco’s parliament for receiving Knesset speaker

Saturday 10-June-2023

The Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) has strongly denounced the Moroccan parliament for receiving at its headquarters the Israeli Knesset speaker calling such a step a “dangerous precedent that goes against the will of the Moroccan people who reject any form of normalization with the occupation state.”

“It is unfortunate that such a visit has taken place as the occupation state is escalating its frenzied attack on our people through killing arresting persecuting settlement expansion and Judaization projects against Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque” the PLC media office said in a statement on Saturday.

PLC also said that the Knesset speaker’s visit to Morocco coincided with the anniversary of the Israeli demolition of the Mughrabi Quarter near the Aqsa Mosque in 1967.

It warned that Morocco’s normalization of relations with the occupation state would encourage it to persist in its aggression against the Palestinian people and the holy sites.

PLC appealed to the Moroccan parliament to renounce the normalization of ties with the occupation which only “serves Israeli interests in the Arab region and harms the Moroccan people’s national interests.”

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